Travis FAQs

How much does lunch cost at our school?

The School Nutrition page has more information, especially about MySchoolBucks for meal payments.











What are the school hours?

Middle School: 8:25 AM-4:05 PM



What is my school's main office phone number?

(254) 215-6300

How do I sign up for bus transportation?

  • First, call your child's school. 
  • The school will verify your address.
  • The school will confirm busing availability and routing. 

We pride ourselves in customer service and are ready, willing, and able to assist you with your transportation needs. 

How do I enroll my middle school child?

  • Whether you are enrolling with Temple ISD for the first time or starting another year with us, this is the place to begin your online registration process!
  • The campus registrar, will be able to assist you.

Bring these documents with you when you enroll your child(ren):

  • Birth certificate
  • Social Security number 
  • Immunization records 
  • Proof of Residency (water bill, electric bill, etc.) 
  • Withdrawal form from previous school (if moving from another district) 
  • Documentation of completed work (ex. report card, test scores, progress reports, etc)

What about Chromebooks?

Paired teachers share a set of 30 Chromebooks housed in a cart. Two Chromebook carts are available for checkout from the library. Also, Temple ISD has developed a wonderful resource for students with video tutorials, information on Google Drive, and Google Apps for Education called TechCats, or